
Knees! Knees! Knees!

Don’t Run? A Lacrosse Player? RIGHT!

I recently heard from one of my players, that she has had knee pain. She was not aware that I have been working with this type of thing since I was in college. If I had only known she had the problem, I could have actually helped her with it. Instead: She had gone to her family doctor and had been told to “stay off her knees, don’t run!” The doctor didn’t even give her a diagnosis! It was such a simple problem, and she could have done so much to help herself! Instead, she suffered!

I have no problem with seeing a family doctor for a problem. But, I am interested in simple solutions, and if you want to keep your daughter on the field, then you should be too. If your daughter has complained about knee pain, maybe you should read on.

Chondromalacia Patella or Patellar Tendonitis…

Chondromalacia Patella/Tendonitis is very common in young athletes, and particularly girls. It is the wearing away or softening of the cartilage behind the knee cap. There are several theories on why this takes place: 1.When growing fast, bones change shape or length, and the muscles and tendons sometimes don’t do so quite as quickly. 2. Everything we do is involving the lateral (or outside of the quadriceps). This leads to over development of that muscle. This causes the knee cap to track up and out when the quads contract. This takes it out of its normal track, and causes it to wear away faster than it should. 3. There may be some misalignment of the hip causing external rotation of the hip, and thus the femur, resulting in an altered Q angle at the knee. This changes the tracking too.

What can we do for our kids that is easy, cheap, and drug free?

Seeing your family doctor is a good idea- just to make sure there is nothing orthopedically wrong: no ACL, MCL or meniscus tears. Or, you can ask me to take a quick look at it, and I can tell you what I think. (I am a sports med doc, ya know!) Funny, I always forget to tell you parents that I have been working with sports injuries for 20 years. And most of them have been in young female athletes. I guess I just get so intense about the coaching, I forget what I do for a living! Maybe that’s as it should be…

Once we know the joint tissues are in tact, there’s stuff you should do for them so they can train through this injury! I want to keep them all ON THE field! We have no time for injuries!

Break the inflammatory Process:

Dixie Cup icing:


Re-build the cartilage:

Change the Tracking of the Knee cap:

Once you start to feel a little better, Leg lifts:

If you are old enough to go to the gym, then:

Leg extensions in the last 15 degrees of extension.

Feel better!

Until then, play more lacrosse! See you at the field!

Coach Jen




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